DigitalCom Co., Ltd.
Wireless Communication which is the core technology of information and communicationin 21C, is the main strategic industry in Korea. That is wireless communiction field is a kind of battlefield, but having no frontier. Digitalcom Co., Ltd., founded as a venture Company in 1999, has outstanding technologiesin the wireless communications field. In order to satisfy clients with high quality products and to make innovations in administration, we obtained ISO 9001 on February 2001 and have been investing 15% of total revenue in R&D. Digitalcom will become a worldwide leading company with more advanced technologies and higher competitveness as result of continuous chanllenge and innovation. Also we will not stay within domestic market, but to compete with top class companies in world. I and Digitalcom family Know that development of Digitalcom has been and will be made by your warmest love and concern. We will do our best to maximize your value with our reliable products.